Devlog 9 Powerups Are Here


Jail model is added to the finished models list. In the front of the jail you can see a billboard panel which displayed the list of the criminals. All of the models are done in the art department. Only small things can change, for example placement of a decor item in the map. 

Power ups are finally in the game. This week's tasks include power up rfx which you can see the shield rfx. Shield rfx is made from a mesh. It uses sine waves to make its movement. The color of the rfx is procedural and can be changed easily.

Also a sneak peek to our teleport rfx. 


All of the above and other rfx particles will be only seen in the gameplay once they are activated which will require the player to shoot the power up boxes. 


On the dev side, Julian has been hard at work with more polish on the UI, with the use of a tweening library, all the UI buttons and screens were made responsive. There are now also sounds for all the buttons and effects in the game.

The game can now also be won! And a new advanced camera system has been added that goes form main menu, to top down, to action camera and now also a win camera. This win camera shows a rotating camera around the winner with a fun but of music and allows the game to fully be reset. 

There has also been screen shake added and new planes with effects that drop boxes. The effects make the game feel way more alive and help a lot with the polish.

The game has also received as start countdown to build up even more suspense.

On the other side, Gaspard was busy implementing the powerups. They now actually work and do what they are supposed to be doing, like teleporting 2 players (switching each others place) and Destroying/reversing the bullets direction.

Get Shoot’n Scoot

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