Devlog 4 Start of Production Sprint 1

Welcome back! This week is our first week for the production sprint. Before we started working on the project we planned our schedule and assigned tasks for each of your team members. Here is some of the progress that we made this week.


Our main character is done! The robot was made in Zbrush first. Since we did not have time to retopologize, we made a really good use of the Zremesher tool inside the Zbrush. After finishing the model in Zbrush we uploaded it to Maya. We unwrapped it so that it fits 1 UV space. After all of that is done we started texturing it in Substance Painter and here is the final result. The shapes and the color choice of the robot was based from the ArtBible. 


Coding-wise, we looked at what went right and what went wrong. There is an overhaul of our characters in terms of code. They now have their own spawn points instead of spawning in the center. The movement is also improved. You can dodge the bullets now. They hit the characters with fewer issues. Before that, the bullets passed by if not close enough. For the rest, we came up with coding structures that would benefit us as the coders while keeping the game as optimal as possible. So far, we have integrated the camera/player movement, the laser, and the bullets into our Production Sprint. You can test it out in our latest build.

Future Plans 

For the upcoming week, the plans that we will try to accomplish are listed below.

  • Working on the power-ups
  • Seeing what we can do for the level.

See you next week!

Get Shoot’n Scoot

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